Estate Planning Done Right with Asset Protection Wealth Management's Gary GarrisonBy: AP Wealth Management Asset Protection Wealth Management President and Founder Gary Garrison has some tips on making sure your affairs are in order through proper estate planning. "Make sure you have named beneficiaries on all life insurance policies, annuities, 401K and IRA accounts," says Garrison. "This will help you to avoid probate time and expenses." Individuals also want to make sure that bank accounts have updated beneficiaries on file. This is called a POD or TOD, depending on the bank, which stands for "payable on death" or "transfer on death." This is a free service to set up for customers. "If you haven't reviewed your beneficiaries in a while, it would be very advantageous to make sure you are leaving your accounts to whom you intended for your money to go," Garrison explains. "Remember, without a will, your state will decide for you who gets what. Also, see a lawyer and get a will and possibly a trust established, depending on your personal situation. This will ensure that your financial affairs are clearly arranged according to your wishes." Gary Garrison is a well-known financial educator in the central Arkansas area who has been in the financial services business for over 25 years. Over the years, Gary has counseled hundreds of Arkansas seniors. Retirees from many major employers, including AT&T, Baptist Health, Farmers Insurance Group, Entergy, the VA Medical Center, and the Arkansas public schools system, have consulted with him to find ways to preserve their capital, increase their income and more profitably organize their investments. To contact Gary Garrison and AP Wealth Management for more information, visit or call 501-225-9045. Contact APWM to schedule a complimentary session with their attorney to look at any family estate planning issues, trusts, wills, POA, etc. Media Contact VLF Media & Promotions Photo: End