Progressive Democrats Call For Peace, Not Provocation

Who: Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) a grassroots political action committee What: Calls on Trump to reverse the decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital Why: Because moving the U.S. embassy would inflame regional conflicts
WASHINGTON - Dec. 9, 2017 - PRLog -- Contacts:

PDA Communications Director Mike Hersh 301-602-9388

PDA Advisory Board Member Medea Benjamin 415-235-6517

PDA Executive Director Donna Smith 720-256-8373

Mike Hersh, PDA Communications Director, said, "Progressive Democrats of America was founded on specific progressive principles including Ending War and Occupation. Donald Trump's decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem risks warfare and endorses occupation, so of course we're calling on Trump to reverse this disastrous course. As the holiday season approaches, the faithful among all three Abrahamic religions Christianity, Islam, and Judaism contemplate peace and good will. By contrast, Trump threatens to ignite hate and violence by sabotaging the already-stalled peace movement. We fear that this move will provoke protests and trigger another cycle of violence in this strife-weary region."

Hersh added, "Trump's rash announcement betrays decades of bipartisan support for a peace process. It also sends all the wrong signals by tacitly endorsing the ongoing illegal, inhumane occupation of Palestine by Israel. Trump should follow international law, as well as the advice of our allies including Israelis and Arabs who pray for peace. Instead, he's once again furthering the aims of extremists. In several areas around the globe, Trump is inflaming conflicts rather than working toward peace and understanding. Trump is rushing headlong toward disaster."

Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK Co-founder and PDA National Advisory Board Member said, "Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was reckless and wrong. It gave a further green light to Israel's longstanding policies to deny Palestinian Jerusalemites their rights, and to accelerate illegal actions to displace them from their homes. Trumps's actions fly in the face of international law and the consensus of the international community. Since the start of 2017, Israel's illegal settlements and annexation operations have been on overdrive. Trump's action will embolden and encourage extremist elements. We must join hands with the Palestinian people to oppose the movement of our embassy to Jerusalem."

Joel Segal, Co-founder of PDA and National Director of the Middle East Peace Working Group said, "American Jews, Muslims, and Christians, as well as Israelis and Palestinians support a just two state solution—a comprehensive peace between Israel and Palestine. President Trump knowingly created the conditions for violent conflict and loss of life at a time when peace is possible. This is one of the biggest blunders in the history of U.S. foreign policy."

Progressive Democrats of America is a grassroots political action committee, founded in 2004 to transform the Democratic Party and U.S. politics by working inside the Democratic Party and outside with peace, justice, civil rights, environmental, labor, immigration, and other movements. PDA's Healthcare Not Warfare campaign brings together the need for a comprehensive universal healthcare system with our advocacy for scaled-down military spending and reliance on diplomatic foreign policy, rather than regime change and military action.

The PDA National Advisory Board includes: Representatives Barbara Lee, Keith Ellison, Raul Grijalva, and James McGovern; as well as progressive leaders including Academy Award winning documentarian Michael Moore, Actress / Activist Mimi Kennedy, Rev. Dr. Rodney Sadler, Author Jim Hightower, and Radio Hosts / Authors Lila Garrett and Thom Hartmann. Esteemed activists Michael Lighty, Medea Benjamin, Steve Cobble, Kristin Cabral, Dr. Paul Song, M.D., and Professor Marjorie Cohn also serve on the PDA Advisory Board.

For more information please see and contact:
PDA Communications Director Mike Hersh / 301-602-9388
PDA Advisory Board Member Medea Benjamin / 415-235-6517
PDA Executive Director Donna Smith / 720-256-8373

PDA Communications Director Mike Hersh

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