Did you know that your Success is Predictable and Guaranteed?By: eBookIt.com Everything in this world operates on principles, and since everything operates on principles don't you think you should know the principles and, how to apply them so you can operate to full capacity? Simple Principle: So let's say you have an apple seed, well in fact what you have is an apple tree, with apples and more seeds, the tree is in the seed, the seed is in the apple. A seed is one of the most powerful things on the planet and here's why, it starts out as one seed, you plant it and it grows into a tree with hundreds of apples and thousands of seeds. The seed does what it was designed to do, that's a principle. Here's something else for you. Gravity is a principle, if you jump off a 10 story building the principle of gravity is enforced, and you will make impact with the ground, no one can change that, that's the principle of gravity. Once you understand principles, how they work, how to apply them and the benefits, it will change your life forever! https://jabezstrategies.life End