One Hundred Common Dreams InterpretedBy: Dr. Makaya frequently supports his interpretations with Biblical references. Dream interpretations are personal because God uses one's environment to reveal the secrets of the spiritual realm. For instance, some people dream of being in school, eating, being with people they know, finding a lot of money, or battling animals or an army. In his book, Dr. Makaya illustrates the message these dreams convey and how to deal with them. The spiritual realm is more real and ignoring it can result in people not achieving the dreams of their lives. Dr. Makaya said, "When a person does not succeed at something, it is a result of not hearing from the Creator." The lives of people in the physical world are governed by the unseen realm. What people see in their daily life is the manifestation of the unseen. The Creator uses the gate of dreams in order to guide people, so they make correct and fruitful decisions in their lives. The Creator uses dreams to warn people so something bad does not happen. Ignoring dreams because of not understanding them doesn't solve the problem In his book, Dr. Makaya shared a dream that a lady sent him. She had a dream that green trees had surrounded the entrance of her house. Suddenly, all the trees dried up and she woke up. She did not understand that God was revealing to her that her family economy was going to fall. In another situation, a lady who was engaged dreamed that she went to her fiancé's house. When she got there, she saw his house looked good outside. When she went inside, the roof and the wall looked pretty. However, the floor was dirty, and she woke up. The Spirit of God guided Dr. Makaya to tell the lady that the house she saw represented her fiancé who looked good on the outside, but his soul was dirty. After that, the lady found out that her fiancé was not the person she should marry. God has given Dr. Makaya a knowledge of dreams so he can help others understand when God is talking to them. Then they can make correct decisions and become successful in their lives. This new book will help the reader be exposed to the truth regarding dreams, so people are motivated to answer this question: "What is the purpose of my being created?" Dr. Makaya is the founder of the Makaya Kingdom of Heaven Ministry. About End