Crime fiction author T.K. O'Neill releases gritty 'Dive Bartender: Sibling Rivalry'By: Bluestone Press Writer T.K. O'Neill introduces Frank in the aftermath of his little brother's funeral. Ray was an addict and a constant irritant. "Forgotten, is how Frank wanted to remember Ray." The police, who also lost no love for Ray Ford, lean towards a verdict of suicide for the swollen, pulpy body that washed ashore near the port terminal. Frank thinks it was murder, but he's willing to let it ride. His grieving mother has other ideas. Set in 1977, 'Dive Bartender: Sibling Rivalry' combines elements of David Goodis and Raymond Chandler with the popular culture of the era to form a pulp-style novel filled with sex, drugs, violence and smelt fishing—the essence of classic northern noir. Something overarching here? T.K. O'Neill has rounded up a cast of thugs and opportunists …… for some the promise of a new life and others a chance to save theirs. 'Dive Bartender: Sibling Rivalry'is the latest T.K. O'Neill crime story under the Bluestone Press imprint, following last year's 'South Texas Tangle,' 2015's 'Dead Low Winter' and 2014's hardboiled 'Jackpine Savages,' which was named crime fiction finalist in the National Indie Excellence Awards. One of his earlier stories was translated and published by Fushosha in Toyko, Japan. O'Neill is also author of the noir 'Fly in the Milk,' published in 2012. Bluestone Press was established in early 1999 in Duluth, Minnesota. 'Dive Bartender: Sibling Rivalry' is available in ebook format through major online retailers, including Google, iBookstore (Apple), Amazon, Sony Reader Store, Barnes and Noble, Kobo (Borders) and ( Excerpts from 'Dive Bartender: Sibling Rivalry' and other of the author's works are available online at For more information, contact Bluestone Press, at 218-724-5806, or bluestonepress@ (A JPG of the cover and/or review download of the 'Dive Bartender: Sibling Rivalry'is available to media contacts upon request) ISBN 9781456629953 End
Page Updated Last on: Jan 30, 2018