The Moon's Powerful Pull is Explored in New Book, 'Journey of the Soul'Author and astrologer Vassoulla Georgiou explains why she believes connecting with the moon is good for the soul.
By: 'Journey of the Soul' is a guided workbook that engages readers with diary and journal tasks. When completed in unison with the moon's travels through the zodiac, these tasks are designed to increase self-awareness, build resilience and better understand the inner self and personal rhythm. Vassoulla encourages readers to keep track of their thoughts and feelings, and offers guidance on how to look deep within for answers and transformation. Vassoulla, who has studied astrology since 1989, examines the moon's cycles and describes how to develop inner power, emotional strength and self-confidence by following the ebb and flow of the lunar phases. In these cycles, Vassoulla explains, the opportunity to reflect, refresh, revitalize, move forward and make healthy, productive, life choices that promote the authentic self. "Have faith that anything can be achieved. The world is your oyster—it's up to you," says Vassoulla. "The reason this book is powerful is because you do this by yourself, we are all unique. I give you some guidance, and you use this information daily. All you need is a diary to dedicate just 5-10 minutes a day. Good luck on your personal journey." 'Journey of the Soul' is published in ebook format by and is now available at popular online retailers including, and Apple's iBookstore. Review copies of 'Journey of the Soul'are available to media contacts upon request. Vassoulla Georgiou is available for interviews. About the Author Vassoulla Georgiou is an experienced astrologer and healer. Coming from a large, wonderful and sometimes crazy Greek family gave her the first understandings of the psyche of the individual and its uniqueness. Discovering astrology in 1989 was the beginning and reconnection to her esoteric path working as an astrologer. The 90's created a radical change due to illness. With the focus then on nutrition and health, Vassoulla's approach to her work became focused on the inner knowledge of the Moon. The Moon phases is a comprehensive guide to work with and make the most of each and every Lunar cycle. As guide and wise woman of the Moon, Vassoulla is able to touch the heart of what is. Vassoulla has written 'Journey of the Soul' to assist others in knowing themselves, to see and understand their potential and create life which brings soul contentment. About Since 2010, (based in Sudbury, Massachusetts) End