Calling All Communities & Landowners Curious About Siting Solar Power on their Property

Communities and private landowners can bring their potential solar sites to Brightfields 2018 - Newark and attend the entire event for free.
By: Brownfield Listings LLC
Bring your sites to Brightfields 2018 - Newark and attend FREE!
Bring your sites to Brightfields 2018 - Newark and attend FREE!
CHICAGO - May 21, 2018 - PRLog -- This summer's premier national solar energy development event, Brightfields 2018 - Newark, is coming to the beautiful campus of the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in downtown Newark, New Jersey on June 19, 2018 for an exciting day of educational programming and active networking. Following a morning of illuminating sessions split along two tracks and an engaging group lunch, a dynamic sit down Solar Market Mixer in the afternoon will connect communities and landowners with solar developers and vendors in a round robin format for timed, face-to-face conversations.

Communities and landowners adding 1+ parcel/project to connect in the Solar Market Mixer can send two (2) attendees to the entire event FREE!

And now there are limited complimentary registrations available to cities and communities who would like to attend, but may not feel completely comfortable entering a site into the Solar Market Mixer—even though BL encourages everyone with a potential site to mix, no matter how premature. Contact BL immediately to apply for these few brightfield hero registrations and you can attend at no cost and still enjoy the full educational program in the morning and an afternoon of networking, exhibiting and Technical Assistance to Brownfield (TAB) "office hours."

U.S. EPA TAB experts will be available during this time to field questions and provide guidance to attendees with questions about brownfields, land use, RFP/Q's, grant programs, environmental regulations and other technical issues in all 50 states.

If you are a community, city or private landowner curious about siting solar power on your property, if you have a solar RFP/RFQ, or if are preparing one, then there's no better opportunity this summer to dig into the solar space and access the solar marketplace directly.

Register your site(s) to attend Brightfields 2018 - Newark at:

Brownfield Listings, LLC (BL) is a national redevelopment marketplace, project platform and economic development ecosystem dedicated to the design, diligence, and development of the built-environment. The ecosystem lives online as a robust marketplace of ideas to reimagine, redevelop and revitalize real estate in any condition anywhere in the U.S. Basic listings and basic access are always free on BL.
Source:Brownfield Listings LLC
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Tags:Solar, Renewable, Brightfield
Industry:Real Estate
Location:Chicago - Illinois - United States
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