June 13, 2018 -
PRLog -- We Are Very Excited To Introduce, Leaders in Arts Organizations, LLC! An Executive Arts Search and Comprehensive Human Resources Consultants Center, Dedicated to The Human Capital Organizational Needs of Non-Profits Across The United States. Operating on a Sliding Scale Fee Model that is Reasonably Based Upon The Size & Revenue of Your Non-Profit (
http://www.leadersinarts.org/pricing), We specialize in C-Level Talent Scouting & Executive Development that entails, Strategic Placement, Business Coaching, Customized Creative Training, Diversity & Inclusion Education and Interim H.R. Projects Geared Towards 501(c)'s. Partnering Exclusively with (VAPA) Visual & Performing Arts Management of Performance Halls, Theatres, Museums, Art Galleries and Universities. Our Consultants are on Deck For You, Bringing Collectively Over 25 years of Human Capital Experience including 10 years of Working Arts, Non-Profit Administration Knowledge.
When Shift Happens in Your Organization, Call Leaders in Arts Organizations;
Your Behind the Stage pARTners. 1-888-499-ARTS(