OMD-150 PPM Oxygen Transmitter, CE CertifiedThe OMD-150 Oxygen Transmitter is fully configurable to meet most global industrial application requirements for Trace (PPM) and Percent analysis.
The new oxygen transmitter can be factory configured for a variety of installation considerations including multiple electronic, sensor and gas connection options making it user friendly for global installations. Three factory configurable electronic selections are available which include 2-Wire Loop, 6-Wire (4 - 20mA and 0 - 10V DC Analog Outputs and Intrinsically Safe with Zener Barriers. Power requirements are 12 - 24V DC. The user friendly electronics comes with a large display and menu driven keypad making it easy to perform periodic span and calibrations. The flow through sensor housing portion of the device is designed for positive flow installations from 0.5 - 5 SCFH. The flow through housing comes standard with 1/8" Swagelok tube fittings but can be fitting with 1/4" and 6mm Swagelok tube fittings. This unit is ideal for industrial or OEM installations where space is tight and additional features are not needed. When specifying your oxygen measurement system, don't forget to select Southland Sensing's precision O2 sensors, which are manufactured in house under a strict quality system. The Galvanic Fuel Cell sensors are self-contained with minimal maintenance requirements. The sensors are designed for your standard gases such as Nitrogen, Helium, Hydrogen as well as your acidic gases such as CO2 and Natural Gas. Sensors can be selected for Trace and Percent analysis ranges. Typical installations will include 3D Printing Systems, Inert Gloveboxes, Membrane Generators, Steel and other Metals Processing, Reflow Soldering, Furnaces and many other industrial applications. For more information, contact your sales associate or visit us on the web: End