G. Ernest Smith's latest offering is a collectionThe settings are various and the characters colorful in these nine spell binding tales of deadly deception
By: Porkchop Publishing Sheriff Steuben is the law in a frontier town named Blind Gulch. He thinks he is god in his town and can commit any abuse he wants, but there is someone he will have to reckon with soon and he isnot far away. He is locked up in his jail — cell number two— andhe is not like anyone Steuben has ever encountered before. Steuben has four deputies, but they will not be enough. Hank Corman walks into a diner in New Jersey in 1950 and sees an old Army buddy he knew during the war. But that's impossible. He saw this man die during a bombing run over Nazi Germany. He fell from the belly of a B-17 with a load of bombs. These are just a few of the spell-binding stories in this collection from master story teller G. Ernest Smith. https://www.gernestsmith.com Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End