![]() Independence Title's Kevin Tacher Exposes Dangers of Cyber & Email Fraud in new Title Tuesday VideoEmail and cyber fraud are very real threats, which it doesn't require expert knowledge to defend against. Title Insurance expert Kevin Tacher tells more in his new video.
"Email and cyber-hacking is a real problem and it should never be thought of as something that just endangers other people," commented Tacher on the issue. "Each and every one of us could be a target and we need to take the extra few steps necessary to protect ourselves or the results could be truly devastating. I'm hoping my new YouTube video will help." Independence Title takes their own cybersecurity very seriously, putting their employees through mandatory cyber security training and even carrying special cyber fraud insurance should an attack penetrate their protocols and defenses. This focus reveals a company that practices what it preaches, as Tacher explores what kind of threats are most likely to appear and how to defend against them in his new YouTube video. Tacher points to email as generally being a person or business's main point of vulnerability and then breaks down what they can do in easy steps to make an email account much more secure through using things like separate domain names and two-step verification before logins or any changes to the account are made. The company is proud to point to the video already saving one valued client the jaw-dropping sum of $143,000 in a wire fraud scheme when she was attacked. In addition to his work in Title Insurance, Tacher is a best-selling author and community activist. For more information be sure to visit Independence Title and watch the Title Tuesday video here. About Independence Title Inc. Founded several years ago by Amazon.com Best-Selling Author Kevin Tacher, Independence Title Inc. is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They are one of South Florida's fasting growing and most awarded Title Insurance Agencies. Independence Title is locally owned and managed. Their team provides real estate professionals with attentive customer service, state of the art technology, mobile applications, and continued training. Together with the support of the top underwriters in the title insurance industry, they have the expertise to complete real estate transactions with the highest level of efficiency and client service. They can be reached at 954-335-9305 or online at www.TitleRate.com. End