The Essentials of a Marketing Strategy Presentation Template

By: Slideshop
LOS ANGELES - Sept. 7, 2018 - PRLog -- Marketing presentations take many forms, but probably the most common is presenting a new marketing initiative/campaign internally to the rest of your company. Be it at the kick-off of a sprint, the start of a new quarter, or as your team is embarking on a big event; you need to convey what the Marketing team is about to do without boring the tech team to tears.
So what are the essential elements in your marketing presentation? Just remember the 5 M's and you'll have a quick slideshow about 5 to 8 minutes long, that will inform the rest of your company of everything that they need to know.

The Motivation

AKA: The Market Share, The Missing Audience, The Mission
This is the why of this particular marketing initiative which always comes down to "who are you trying to reach?" Think of this as the "pain point" of your company's current audience limitations that Marketing is trying to address. Is it a certain demographic that's lagging behind in sales and brand awareness? Is it a whole new audience that you're trying to reach with the launch of a new product or service?
While this aspect of your presentation is most likely where your Marketing team has done the most, the rest of your audience will only need a graphical representation of how your company is lacking in this space. If you only have 20% market share when it should be more like 80%, visualize that statistic so you quickly get this point across.
What to skip: Why you were lagging behind. It doesn't really matter why XYZ demographic wasn't marketed to until now. That's a discussion mostly for your team, not to the rest of the departments. All that's important is that you're addressing the missing demo now. Excluding this from your marketing presentation will not only save time, but also avoid unwanted questions and criticisms.

The Message

AKA: The Marketing, The Modified Pitch, The Material
This is the what of your Marketing initiative. To reach this new audience, what is being marketed? Is it a new product? A new message? Something has to be different about this message, otherwise what's the point of this presentation? Here is where you lay out exactly what is different about your core messaging that will resonate with this targeted audience.
What to skip: How you came up with the new hotness. The other departments won't care about either your lightning bolt inspiration or the market research you did. They don't need to hear about the creative journey, just the destination and the new message you'll be using.

The Method

AKA: The Marketing Strategy, The Modus Operandi, The Moves
This is the meat of the presentation that might take up two whole slides: how you're planning on achieving the marketing success your team is looking for. Here is where you lay out the basic strategy and the methods you'll be using to reach the target audience.
What to skip: The nitty gritty details. The rest of the company doesn't need to know, for example, the specifics on what SEO changes will be made. They just need to know that SEO is happening. You can tell them that you'll be launching new AdWords campaigns; you don't need to tell them the keywords you'll be bidding on, or the CPC of each one. Presenters get enamored with the finer details of their marketing strategy all the time, but this section of your marketing presentation should stay high-level. Think H1 headers, not the body copy.

The Metrics

AKA: The Money, The Milestones, The Mark of Success
This is where your numbers go. Mostly for the executives in the room, but also so your team keeps itself accountable; you'll want to lay out the metrics for success and failure. Whether it's a new customer acquisition rate or total number, or leads in the pipeline, or simply sales figures attributed to the marketing campaign; this is where you lay out the stakes.
What to skip: Metrics with decimals. Usually the metrics that the rest of the office doesn't care about are ones like CPC, CPA, CTR, etc. And those just happen to be the ones that use decimals the most. Focus more on the metrics that use commas, as in, 10,000 new customers, or $20,000 in revenue. Commas denote large numbers, which will excite and stick in their minds. Decimals will be forgotten in 0.5 seconds.

The Means

AKA: The Main Event
A great presentation saves the best part for last and this is the audience interaction segment of your marketing presentation. Basically, here's where you lay out what you need from the other departments to make this marketing initiative work. Unless your team is huge, you will probably need some Dev support, or maybe input from the Sales teams. At the end of the day, people watching your slideshow will mostly be thinking "do I have to do anything for this?" This section is the most relevant to them, which is why it's saved for last.
A summary slide should not only summarize the marketing campaign, but structure the information in a way that also lays out what each department's tasks are to make the initiative work: Motivation, Message, Method, Metrics, Means. It'll keep your slideshow tight, efficient, and effective.

Like the slides templates shown in this blog post? They are available at along with thousands of other templates. Check out these specific Marketing presentations here (

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