To Comma or Not to Comma? Punctuation Help Is Here

New Book by "The Grammar Diva" Clears Up Comma Confusion, Dash Dilemma, and Hyphen Hysteria in Time for National Punctuation Day
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To Comma or Not to Comma
To Comma or Not to Comma
PETALUMA, Calif. - Sept. 17, 2018 - PRLog -- Nothing is more mystifying to anyone who is writing anything than the mighty comma. With its multitude of rules and associated gray areas, more questions are asked about commas than any other grammar issue: "Where do I put the comma?" Does this need a comma?" "I think I use too many commas."  I don't like commas, so I don't use many."

Arlene Miller, The Grammar Diva, has just released her latest book, To Comma or Not to Comma: The Best Little Punctuation Book Everand just in time for National Punctuation Day, September 24th.

Miller is the author of The Best Little Grammar Book Ever, Correct Me If I'm Wrong, The Best Grammar Workbook Ever, Does Your Flamingo Flamenco? and several other grammar books, as well as a self-publishing guide and a novel.  She writes a weekly blog, The Grammar Diva Blog, featuring posts about grammar, punctuation, words, and the English language.

To Comma or Not to Comma is not just about commas, although commas certainly have more rules than any other punctuation mark. Also included are dashes, hyphens, apostrophes, ellipses, quotation marks, and all the rest of those little marks whose job it is to make writing easier for readers to navigate.

The book includes some lesser known punctuation marks (like the interrobang), quizzes, an answer key, a glossary, a quick comma guide, and a complete index.

Miranda found herself in a room with her old boyfriend, a unicorn and a clown. Did Miranda date someone who was both a unicorn and a clown?  Hard to say. However, if you put a comma after unicorn, you know that she found herself with (1) her old boyfriend, (2) a unicorn, (3) and a clown. And that is why many people recommend use of the comma before the and in a series, otherwise known as the Oxford comma.

An incredible book on punctuation.  A great resource for any writer attempting to guide their reader with the proper road signs (punctuation). Loved it!" - Jonas Saul, author of the Sarah Roberts Series

"There's no need to be scared anymore about punctuation. In this short book, Arlene Miller tells you what you need to know and makes it easy." - Andy Ross, literary agent

To Comma or Not to Comma
is available on Amazon, Kindle, and all other online book and e-book retailers. You can order it, and any of Arlene Miller's books, from any bookstore.

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