Florida Family Mediator Matthew Brickman on Filing for Divorce in Florida with ChildrenFiling for divorce is never an easy decision or smooth process for those with assets and children. In Florida the laws are very specific so being well informed can make the difference between an expedited dissolution of marriage and a very turbulent, long, drawn-out affair.
By: iMediate Inc. Mr. Brickman explained, "First you need to obtain your dissolution of marriage packet which is vital. Next you need to schedule your mediation which is mandatory in the State of Florida if you have children." Due to how important these initial steps are, those who schedule their mediation with iMediate Inc. or iChatMediation (the online product) are provided their packets in mediation by Mr. Brickman. His explanation of all steps involved can be seen in the video below: https://www.youtube.com/ He went onto explain, "In the State of Florida there is equal time-sharing between parents, there's no primary and secondary parent, and there are no terms such as custody and visitation." Matthew Brickman mediates matters on a variety of matters and disputes such as: - Alimony - Child Support - Arrears - Alimony - Spousal Support - Child Custody - Visitation - Timesharing - Paternity - Parenting Plans - Prenuptial Agreements - Postnuptial Agreements - HOA disputes - Business disputes - Contract disputes - Contested divorces - Uncontested divorces - Simple divorces - Complex divorces - Family disputes of almost any type About Matthew Brickman: Matthew Brickman has been certified by the Supreme Court of Florida as a county civil family mediator who has worked in the 15th and 19th Judicial Circuit Courts since 2009 and 2006 respectively. He is also an appellate certified mediator who has mediated a variety of small claims, civil, and family cases that number in the hundreds. Read his Customer Reviews. If you are a law firm and wish to schedule your mediation you can use this form to schedule your mediation online: Law Firm Scheduler If you are an individual and wish to schedule your mediation you can use this form to schedule your mediation online: Individual Mediation Scheduler iChatMediation - Family Mediation Services, 2915 Tuscany Court, Suite 105, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (877) 822-1479 Connect via Facebook Media Contact iMediate Inc. mbrickman@ichatmediation.com (877) 822-1479 Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End