ROS eliminates Legionella in 10 secondsIs "reducing" the risk of Legionella in your system enough? A new available technology can remove it entirely and prevent its recolonization
By: Envirocleen Bio-hydrox, a new advanced oxidation liquid formula, achieved immediate 6-Log reduction of Legionella using a dosage of 3 mg/l. Chlorinated compounds may require 30 minutes for same results. Bio-hydrox is effective at removing biofilm and control recolonization in the water system. It can help prevent scaling and corrosion and is not sensitive to pH or water temperature. It was certified NSF/ANSI 60 of the Safe Clean Water Act in 2013 and approved as a drinking water treatment product. The chemical description is Mineral Oxychloride Solution, an environmentally friendly liquid formula of oxygen chelated minerals stabilized in a water-based solvent. Bio-hydrox is highly effective at delivering safe water due to the creation of strong reactive oxygen species like hydroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, super anions, ozone and peroxide, with the ability to treat persistent, emerging contaminants and micro pollutants. Bio-hydrox may very well be the longed-awaited answer to a worldwide problem that is just getting bigger as we are running out of options. Emma Flanagan, president of Envirocleen, exclusive distributor of Bio-hydrox, said: "Bio-hydrox brings solutions to difficult situations where the highest level and very effective oxidation is required, and where reliability is not questionable. Although new to the market, its basic chemistry has been known for more than 100 years and is still predominant amongst the rest of the advanced oxidation technologies." Historically, advanced oxidation processes have been driven by external energy sources because they are so reactive that needed to be prepared on site. Bio-hydrox is a new generation Fenton chemistry with a novel formula where the activator catalysts are chelated with oxygen in stable form. There is nothing to mix. It does not require external activation and can be stored for at least of six months. It is an alternate to chlorinated and non-chlorinated chemicals and provides extended residual protection. Bio-hydrox is compatible with all water treatment products. It and can be applied without a waiting period and without the additional expenses of capital investment or energy consumption. Residuals are carbon dioxide, oxygen, water and inert substances. It does not generate toxic by-products. None A free copy of the Special Pathogens Lab study report can be downloaded from our website: For more information on Legionella control and other applications, send us an email or call (847) 892-4141. Bio-hydrox has manufacturing plants in USA, The Caribbean, South America, Europe and Australia. End