Technical Report-Applying Physics and Sensory Sciences to Spirits Nosing Vessel Design to Improve Evaluation Diagnostics and Drinking Enjoyment

Research discovers a better way to evaluate and enjoy spirits neat, and benefit the spirits industry as well as the consumer
Test Glasses Evaluated in Report
Test Glasses Evaluated in Report
LAS VEGAS - Dec. 7, 2018 - PRLog -- From: Arsilica, Inc, 1:00 pm PST. Press Release — Christine Crnek, co-founder, CEO of Arsilica, Inc. announced that MDPI Beverage Journal has published a significant peer-reviewed technical report by the CSO of Arsilica, Inc on their science-based tasting vessel design for all spirits, explaining in detail the science behind its superior evaluation attributes, major industry contributions, and enhanced consumer enjoyment, also addressing long-neglected problems with non-functional traditional tulip-shape and snifter vessels.  Click to download report:

Report highlights of spirits glassware functional issues:
  • Design:  Improving spirits evaluation vessel design and enhancing drinking enjoyment through applied science.
  • Olfactory ethanol:  Diverting pungent, painful, nose-numbing ethanol which quickly destroys ortho-nasal aroma detectability.
  • Includes sensitive noses:  Applying science to accommodate superior female olfactory sensitivity, expanding markets.
  • Solution: Ethanol diversion from ortho-nasal without affecting spirit character by applying scientific vessel design.
  • Competition field credibility: Major competitions have used NEAT for over six years to evaluate and rate spirits.  Superior competition level performance lets every spirit speak for itself. Ortho-nasal sensing is important to detect character aromas, while ethanol is safely detected on retro-nasal (finish).
Support of influencers and decision-makers:  Extensive competition experience and distiller use as a diagnostic tool for head cuts and blending makes NEAT a significant contender for universal acceptance as the premier evaluation glass.

Industry game-changer:  Provides opportunities for the spirits industry to expand markets by broadening appeal to more sensitive female noses. Enhancing attributes and exposing flaws allows distillers to focus on quality and flavor improvement.

About:  Arsilica, Inc. Nevada C Corp dedicated to alcohol beverage evaluation research.  From initial discoveries in 2002, the NEAT glass was developed, patented and introduced in 2012.  Distributed USA, Europe, UK, South Africa, NZ, Australia.  Web:, twitter: @theneatglass, facebook: The NEAT Glass


Christine Crnek, CEO, phone +702.332.7163


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