New Millennial Approach To Fashion: Personal Styling Online by KIKOINNEWith the fashion industry, currently labeled as "one of the dirtiest industries in the world", the consumption is real. Nevertheless, as of McKinsey's 'The State of Fashion 2017' report, fashion is perceived as one of the rarest past decade's economic success stories. With an estimated value of $2.4 trillion, there's no space to ignore things shaping and changing the fashion industry.
By: KIKOINNE A number of retailers have already understood that this young generation of shopaholics is all about convenience, efficiency and experience. Millennials are into nicely packaged services that are convenient and also bring that feeling of prestige or sense of belonging. It's not surprising that retailers target millennials, who spend $2,225 on their wardrobe annually. However, this generation can be described as sophisticated shoppers who tend to do some research prior to splashing the cash. That's where plenty of mobile apps and services come into play to make shopping savvier. For instance, one of the first services to start the era of sustainable consumer behavior was Rent the Runway. They were the first ones to come up with a business model where customers were encouraged to rent expensive gowns rather than spend thousands for something they would wear only once. Leaning towards the benefits of online personal styling Impressed by 'Instagram-life', millennials try to keep up with the social image even if it means losing who they are. A number of professionals – be it personal coachers or stylists help to tackle such problems. Picking outfits with a personal stylist is not anyhow a new concept. We've seen A-list celebrities being styled by their in-house personal stylists, giving personal styling an image of an unaffordable luxury. Today, the scene is very different. A new market entrant KIKOINNE is set to change the unhealthy habits of the current generation to help them shop more wisely. This online styling platform allows heading any style-related questions to personal stylists who are real people, sitting behind the screen. Unlike many other digitized fashion platforms, KIKOINNE puts the human factor as one of their advantages. It's not that just some weird algorithm is deciding on their style choices. Aside from that, personal stylists are obliged to come up with 3 outfit suggestions for each customer - so that there's a higher chance of making it right. And it's not just about having knowledgeable stylists with years of experience in the market: online personal styling is also affordable. Eventually, customers end up with wise purchases: it's the things they can easily combine with the stuff they have. Not to mention, that the KIKOINNE online personal styling platform sends shoppable outfit suggestions after carefully analyzing the best deals in the market: to help millennials snap up something that they like and are able to afford. End