Ainstein Announces Full Stack PX4 Support For UAV Standard Radar Altimeter - US-D1By: Ainstein This capability allows PX4 developers to fully benefit from Ainstein's highly accurate and reliable above-the-ground altitude measurement and access the same technology that has been proven by leading agriculture drone manufactures. Ainstein's UAV radar altimeter has also been recognized by FAA's Integration Pilot Program. Curious what all the buzz is about? Here is a quick snapshot of the highlights for Ainstein's US-D1 radar altimeter: • Highly accurate and smooth above-the-ground altitude reading, especially over water, grass, brush, and other challenging environments. • Same high performance in low-light or no light conditions, such as rain, fog, darkness, and more. • Customer-proven for accurate terrain tracking commonly required for precision agriculture. • A must-have for BVLOS drone operation, ensuring safe or even autonomous takeoff and autonomous landing. • Increased Processing: Increases in processing power have resulted in even more reliable altitude readouts, greatly reducing noisy or false detections. • Ruggedized Enclosure: Drones crash, propellers break, but the US-D1 should not! Worried about your expensive UAV electronics getting coated in mist from agricultural spraying? Or covered in dust during takeoffs and landings? Worry no more, US-D1 is rated IP-67! • Redundancy Capabilities: US-D1 Specifications Highlights: • Operating Range: 0.5 ~ 50 meters • Altitude Accuracy: 0.5 centimeters • Weight: 100 grams • Power Consumption: Steps for Integration with PX4: • Connect US-D1 to any available Serial Port(UART), eg TELEM3, or GPS2 • Configure the Serial Port you've selected • Add this Parameter to your Config File: "drivers/distance_ • Enjoy the flight! Demo Video of Flying with Radar Altimeter on PX4 Stack: We're looking forward to seeing more drones equipped to fly autonomously and BVLOS! More information and the datasheet can be found on our website HERE. In additional to US-D1, Ainstein also offers a professional grade radar altimeter - LR-D1. Ainstein's LR-D1 has increased the sensing range up to 500 meters, included a heavy duty enclosure as well as a robust cabling interface. Ainstein is a full-stack radar product and services company. In addition to providing sensor technology, Ainstein also works closely with our partners to provide product customization as well as airframe integration and interface support for OEM solutions. Ready to order your Ainstein Radar Altimeter? Order one today HERE! Photo: End