Washington DC Church To Hold Time of Fasting & Prayer For The Peaceful Removal of Trump From OfficeBy: Church For Black Men & Families WASHINGTON - Jan. 26, 2019 - PRLog -- Church For Black Men and Families has announced that they will be dedicated a sustained time and prayer and fasting (abstinence from food) to seek God for the peaceful removal of Donald Trump from Presidential office. The church's decision was motivated by the effects of the government shutdown on federal workers.
"We began to get email from furloughed employees requesting temporary work from our church," says Jomo Johnson the pastor of the church. "When combined with Trump's immigration policy, response to Charlottesville, and his treatment of minority congressmen and military families, I believe that Trump meets the qualification of the Biblical proverb, "When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.: The church is seeking both the religious and non-religious to join in with them in their time of fasting and prayer. A local meetup group has started online along with a online petition/fastings schedule for those committing to dedicate time to abstain from food and pray for impeachment or resignation. Johnson, who went on a hunger strike for suicide awareness last year via NBC, has already set apart two days a week for this cause. The church hope the fast will serve three purposes. • Hasten the resignation or impeachment of Trump. • Seek repentance from Evangelicals and Christians who supported Donald Trump. • Help unite both the non-religious and religious under the banner of justice. The fast is scheduled to begin February 4th and will include a daily video conference stream for those who want to join in the virtual prayer. Those fasting and visitors are also welcome to attend the Church's Sunday Services and mid-week meetings. For more information, please email www.BlackMen.church/ End