Mindful Kids Peace Summit: The Next Generation to the RescueCreated by a teen for other teens, this online peace summit is the first of its kind, geared to tweens and teens, to be shown in middle and high schools all over the world, as part of the annual curriculum, to focus on mental health and stopping violence.
By: Wuf Shanti Children's Wellness Foundation The Summit is being put on by Helen Maffini, of MindBe-Education, and author of Developing Children's Emotional Intelligence, and Adam Avin, 14 year-old creator of Wuf Shanti, a dog character which teaches mindfulness to kids 3-10, and founder of the Kids Association for Mindfulness in Education for teens. The Peace Summit is planned for Feb 11-15th, 2019. "We chose to do this the week of Feb 11-15 because it is the anniversary of the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, in Parkland, and we want to honor them by doing something positive to help make a difference in the world," said Avin, "I live close to Parkland, and our entire community was really affected by this tragedy, and stand with MSD. Other kids are working on getting rid of the guns, and this is the only way that I know to help, by doing what I do. I want to arm teachers with what they are supposed to be armed with, teachable moments and education." More than 50 subject matter experts will talk, demo, or give a presentation, and in between segments, celebrities will speak about their health and wellness, and why mindfulness and kindness are so important right now. "Teens listen to role models," said Maffini, "so I think motivational speeches by celebrities will go a long way to getting these kids to pay attention, help us curb the violence, and encourage kids to come together to make a positive impact on the world." The videos are meant to be watched on the same day(s) in middle schools and high schools around the globe so that it becomes part of the annual curriculum and generates momentum similar to the world-wide marches. Students watching together will create common goals of inner and outer peace through these tools. Resources and materials with discussion points, suggested activities, projects, and take-a-ways will be provided, so teachers, if they choose, can continue an open dialogue with the kids each day. High school kids will be given service hours for attending the summit, which can be signed by their respective teachers. When a school or class registers for the summit, teachers will be provided with a certificate of attendance that they may sign and distribute to the children in their school. The Peace Summit is on-line so people all over the world can attend. Schools attend for Free if they watch on the days of the summit. Register today at www.mindfulkidspeacesummit.com. Mindful Kids Peace Summit 2019 Daily Themes: DAY 1 We Are All One: Diversity, Inclusion, and Communication DAY 2 Living Together in Peace: Kindness and Anti-Bullying (Stop the Violence) DAY 3 Mindfulness Matters: Tools for Kids to De-Stress and Cope with Emotions (include Yoga, Meditation, Breathing) DAY 4 Doing Good: Things We Can Do Together to Make the World a Better Place and Collaboration DAY 5 Social Emotional Learning, Interacting with Others, Positive Psychology: More Mindfulness for Teens, and how Teachers and Parents can help. For more information about Wuf Shanti's early learning or teen curriculums: https://www.facebook.com/ https://www.wufshanti.com For more information about MindBe-Education coaching and curriculum: https://mindbe- To Register for the Mindful Kids Peace Summit: www.mindfulkidspeacesummit.com End