This International Women's Day Statues for Equality Makes HistoryPINK and Nicole Kidman Will Join the 10 Inspirational Women Nominated to Become Statues that will Balance Gender Representation in Public Art Forever
By: Statues for Equality Gillie and Marc (the husband-and- The New York City project is just the start of Statues for Equality and the initiative is now worldwide, with projects in many different countries, including Australia, the UK and the US. Gillie and Marc are keen that the sculptures are representative of all women and know that the public are the best people to ensure this happens! They are asking the public to again nominate the next women that they think deserve the recognition of being immortalized in bronze! "We hope that as the project expands, it will include a broader diversity of race, class, ability, sexual orientation and gender expression." This International Women's Day, Gillie and Marc will be asking 'Where are the women?' and imploring the public to make and recognize history by nominating a woman who inspires them. Please join the conversation at #StatuesforEquality. For more information, visit or Media Contact Amore Incorporated Public Relations *** 8888338990 Photos: End
Page Updated Last on: Mar 11, 2019