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Follow on Google News | Now you can Clean DPF's, and EGR's DIY without damaging them – ECOFuelMaxSince 2007 the primary way to clean a Diesel Particulate Filter has been to clean in a Kiln/Oven at 1,800 degrees. The cost per cleaning is $350-$500.
Those that own expensive DPF Cleaning Stations or contract to have them cleaned have learned that after a few cleaning with heat (+/-1,800º) a DPF needs to be replaced. The cost for a new OEM DPF is in excess of $2,300.Those who have tested this solution now soak their filters in Cobra Clean then use the ultrasonic part of their system or rinse with tap water to complete the cleaning process. How does Cobra Clean a Biodegradable, Non Toxic, Non Acidic cleaning solution melt carbon? It's a simple process; submerse a Diesel Particulate Filter or EGR Valve in Cobra Clean for 24 hours. Remove it take to a filtered wash rack and rinse it with water until the black Carbon soot is gone. Let it dry in front of a fan, in the sunlight or use a wet-vac, after it is dry reinstall it. It's a proven fact that this opportunity along with reducing Carbon Particulates and REGEN's can reduce maintenance costs in excess of +/-$3,000 annually. Go online CobraCleanUSA ( End
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