7 Causes of Dry Mouth and 5 Ways to Eliminate Them

Dryness in the mouth means a lack of saliva. And this liquid performs many functions, the main of which is antibacterial.
By: Manhattan Periodontics
NEW YORK - June 19, 2019 - PRLog -- Dryness in the mouth means a lack of saliva. And this liquid performs many functions, the main of which is antibacterial. Saliva opposes attacks of all sorts of infections. When the mouth is dry, the harmful microorganisms start to win and we get the following:

• Chapped lips, sores in the mouth and the corners of the lips.
• Stale breath, against which brushing teeth and chewing gum are powerless: the smell reappears very quickly.
• Red irritated tongue.
• Problems with the definition of taste.
• Problems with swallowing.
• Difficulties with digestion. Food that's poorly soaked in the saliva is harder to chew and digest. As a result, it is poorly absorbed.
• Increased risk of acute respiratory infections and ENT diseases.
• Hoarseness, sometimes squeezed to the nasal voice.
• Problems with teeth: caries, gingivitis.

Why Does Dry Mouth Occur?

The reasons may be very different. Some believe that dry mouth is associated with aging. This is not true. Xerostomia (the official medical name of the condition) is not related to age, it always has other prerequisites.

1. You don't drink enough water

This is the most common case. If you got thirsty and have a dry mouth, most likely you don't get enough liquid. Or you have lost too much of it - this happens during intense exercise, walks in the heat or, for example, when you have problems with digestion, which are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

2. You smoke

Tobacco smoke dries the mucous and reduces saliva production. This is another reason to quit smoking.

3. You have a stuffy nose

If you have a stuffy nose, you breathe through your mouth. In conditions of insufficient moisture, this method of breathing can lead to drying out of the mucous membrane.

4. You are taking certain medications

The list of medications, which have such side effects as dry mouth, is long. There are some of them:

• antihistamines;
• decongestants;
• a range of drugs used to control high blood pressure (hypertension);
• antidiarrheal drugs;
• muscle relaxants;
• antidepressants;
• some medicines for Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders.

By the way, this is why dry mouth is more common in older people than in young people: they simply take more medicines of all types.

5. You are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy

Procedures related to the treatment of cancer can disrupt the work of the salivary glands.

6. You have diabetes

Dry mouth is a frequent symptom of this condition. As a rule, it is accompanied by constant thirst, gum diseases (https://www.periony.com/diabetes-gum-disease-look-after-y...), and increased urination.

7. You have an autoimmune disease

This can be rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease (in particular, thyrotoxicosis), lupus and other disorders in which the immune system begins to attack the cells of its own body.

What to Do If Dry Mouth Appears Regularly

1. Check if salivary glands function normally

If you find that your salivary glands are lazy, the doctor may prescribe medications and procedures (for example, electrical stimulation of the tongue and palate) that will stimulate them.

2. Chew more

The more vigorously you chew, the greater is the xerostomic patient's chewing gum. Of course, it is ideal to chew something healthy, for example, fresh vegetables and fruits and other solid foods. But if there is no such food at hand, chewing gum will also work.

3. Try to breathe through your nose

Sometimes it is difficult when the nose is stuffed due to a cold. In this case, we must try to accelerate recovery. However, there are other causes of congestion, such as polyps or curvature of the nasal septum. If you find it difficult to breathe through your nose, but why - you yourself cannot understand, be sure to consult with a doctor.

4. Change your medicine

If you find dry mouth in the list of side effects, consult your doctor about replacing the drug with some less draining alternative.

5. Don't forget about medical examinations

Dry mouth can sometimes be the first and almost the only symptom of approaching disease. Talk to the therapist about it. Most likely, the doctor will offer you to take blood tests (including thyroid hormones) and urine tests. And then, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Manhattan Periodontics & Implant Dentistry
121 East 60th St, Ste 6C1,
New York, NY 10065
+1  212-644-4477

Dr.Navid Rahmani
Source:Manhattan Periodontics
Tags:Gum Diseases
Location:New York City - New York - United States
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