A Crisis of Faith in America Has Led to Bold & Crazy FaithNew book for Christians Features 14 Influences to Live A Bold and Abundant Life
By: Diamond & Light Publishing, LLC. Their concerns are valid and should not be dismissed. However, BOLD & CRAZY FAITH, THE INSPIRATIONAL (Diamond & Light Publishing, LLC., ISBN 978-1-7335607- Christians can leverage their knowledge of scripture, life experiences and implementation of the guidance provided in this book. In doing so they will not only survive but thrive as a Christian - even with the current economic and social uncertainty. The book reveals that Christians do not live according to the world's standards but, live according to spiritual standards of following Christ and the expectancy of living a life of abundance. Some of the topics covered in the book, BOLD AND CRAZY FAITH include:
As Ramsey describes each influence, readers will:
In BOLD & CRAZY FAITH, Ramsey describes the level of faith needed to overcome the woes, obstacles, and complexities that the world presents today and the level of faith that Christians need to fulfill the purpose and destiny God has for their lives to live a bold and abundant life in Christ. CONTACT: Pam Perry PR, pam@pamperrypr.com or 732-895-3514 https://www.daryncarlramsey.com/ Contact Diamond & Light Publishing, LLC. Pam Perry PR, pam@pamperrypr.com or 732-895-3514 ***@diamondandlight.com Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End