Oct. 7, 2019 -
PRLog -- The public is invited to attend the Driving Souls To The Polls Town Hall on Saturday, October 12 from 11am – 2:00 pm at the West Palm Beach Improv, 550 S. Rosemary Ave #250, West Palm Beach, FL. This FREE TOWN HALL meeting, presented by Sheryl Underwood, TV and radio host and founder of Pack Rat Foundation For Education, will launch the Black Radio Solidarity: Driving Souls To The Polls initiative. Erna Foushee, Executive Director of Pack Rat Foundation For Education, encourages individuals and organizations to attend and learn how to get involved in this national civic activity. The moderator for the event is radio personality Warren Ballentine, host of The Warren Ballentine Show and contributor to Sheryl Underwood Radio.
Black Radio Solidarity: Driving Souls To The Polls is a "Doing Good In The Neighborhood"
initiative that urges all media and concerned citizens and organizations to unite to use the power of the public airwaves, and their individual energy and influence, to drive people to action: to Vote in all November 2019 and November 2020 elections, to Be Counted and participate in Census 2020 and to March by joining the August 2020 "March For Jobs & Freedom 2020: A Historical Re-Creation of The 1963 March on Washington".
The Driving Souls To The Polls Town Hall is FREE and is not connected to the ticketed comedy show on the same day at the West Palm Beach Improv, which is graciously providing the location for the town hall meeting.
For more information:
Media Contact - Rhue Still, Inc. at
RSI@RhueStill.com; Event Contact - Warren Ballentine at
tf1914@gmail.com .