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Follow on Google News | Richard E. Smalley, Esq. explains the benefits of having a written agreementIn this modern age, when everything from a single Email to voluminous legal documents can be easily stored in your computer, is it really important to have these documents in hard copy?
By: The Smalley Law Firm In this technological- A "statute of limitations" A piece of paper may have lost its importance in today's digital world but the significance of a written contract continues. Written contracts provide more assurance to both committed parties. Verbal contracts are harder to prove. With verbal contracts, it is likely that a party may agree on something, but later on, back-pedal immediately. This can put you in a lot of financial or legal crisis and damage your reputation as well. With written contracts, there is no scope of denying or backing away; even if a certain party does so, you can always provide evidence and prove them wrong. This will save you from a lot of hassle with the committed party and authorities. The worst part about verbal contracts is that people often forget about details – the most important part of a contract. They may remember them for a while but as time goes on, it is likely for them to become hazy on minor details. Richard E. Smalley, III is an attorney in Norman, Oklahoma. Blog: News: End
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