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Follow on Google News | Chinese Time Machine Rumors Sparked By China Watching Marshall Barnes' Research and DevelopmentsAs headlines spread across the web, about a project by China to build a time machine, followed by denials from the Chinese later, one question left was the reason behind it all and what the truth is. Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng knows.
By: Fame.Plan China has been pursuing advanced technologies and science to rival the United States and Marshall has been followed by China along with 18 other countries on such sites as and, the "Facebook for scientists". Marshall's been outspoken on the importance of time travel research for the survival of humanity but also hostile towards China, viewing it as adversarial to the U.S. and its interests, discussing developing weapons and systems aimed at countering Chinese military efforts the communist nation has been promoting. "I think it's a psy-op China's playing, though they could be serious," Marshall says. "I sound doubtful because I see concepts I know they ripped off of existing schemes since probably the '90s. There're some dead giveaways that someone, without the proper background, was involved in controlling information, which means someone unfamiliar with the physics and technology didn't want it to sound too outlandish. They wanted it competitive though." Marshall gained attention acting against the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for making a mistake they promoted as proof time travel is impossible (see "I've started looking into the whole story because the coincidence is too large. I launch a major time travel effort and the ChiComs suddenly pop up with one," he says. "I not buying it" End
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