Kindle Book "Psycho-Gender-The Dark Side of the Human Genome" FREE this Wednesday, Feb 12th, on Amazon!Have you noticed that our world is filled with continual threats of terrorism accompanied by accelerated loss of rights and liberties? If this reality bothers you then you need to get your FREE copy of this provocative book!
By: PMS Publishing Co Have you noticed how our police are becoming more and more militarized and involved in episodes hurting civilians for no apparent reason? Have you noticed how more threats from viruses like the Corona and Ebola are being turned loose on unsuspecting populations? Have you noticed more and more surveillance cameras showing up on every street corner to watch our every move? Have you noticed the continual and unnecessary creation of more and more restrictions on our freedoms and travel, accompanied by more harassment at our airports and train stations and bus stops? Have you noticed more and more global warming, accompanied by more and more climate disasters, we all being forced to deal with more often? Let's not even talk about the creeping fascism being exhibited by our "social media" with new abuses being exposed each and every day. Have you noticed more and more Chem-trail aerosol dispersants polluting our skies and poisoning our air, our crops, our soils, our water, and each one of us? Have you noticed how more and more Genetically Mutated Freak Foods along with related Cancer causing Glyphosate, are finding their way into our homes and our diets every single day? Quite a horrific scenario isn't it? Get Your FREE Copy of this provocative book on Sunday, Oct 5th, by clicking on the Links below: US: UK: If you are among the millions of our American Majority who have already lost your job, lost your career, lost your retirement, lost your savings, lost your home, and even lost your dignity, you are not alone! If you are among those who have had enough debasement and loss for one lifetime, then Psycho-Gender is just what the doctor ordered! So, are you ready to see the other side of "reality", the side not being presented by your sold-out media talking heads and politicians, then get a hold of Psycho-Gender and begin changing your life. End