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Follow on Google News | Custom Software Development: DSA Training SystemThe study methodology is based on personal statistical data of every user: while the user answers, the DSA test systems analyze the answers. The system then calculates and groups theory questions in categories based on student performance. The system shows the statistic data in personal Flash-based DashBoard. The categorization is based on the number of errors: if a user makes a mistake, answering the same question, more than 3 times, the answer gets "difficult" status. After several learning sessions, the system builds a personal training program focusing student's attention on difficult questions and omitting learnt questions from the quiz. Such an approach helps to adopt almost 100% of theory in 60% less time than the usual study approach. The system is intended to provide: Training, Simulation of exams, Reports. Web site offers the majority of popular payment options that allow users to choose to pay by SMS, Web Money, Bank Cards. After an extra simple and fast registration that requires user name and password, the only user can use trial version of the website that allows running training sessions, unique personal statistics, calculation of possibility to pass the exam successfully in percents for a limited period of time. After buying service subscription for 30 days user can access training sessions, personal statistics, unique individual training program, participate in test result contest among users with free subscription gifts. Dynamic rally game where each car's speed depends on students' answers from DSA theory and its speed. Talking avatar feature in the comment section for users bought a subscription for 30 days. Built-in video streaming allows a student to take driving lessons from a professional driving instructor without leaving the house. Programming language: C#, JavaScript, SQL, XML, ActionScript. Net technologies: Database/Application Servers: MS SQL 2008, Windows Server 2003 R2. Visit us at End
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