Animal Welfare Executive Authors a New Children's BookA Unique Children's Book Perfectly Combines Delight with Wisdom
By: Protect Them All "Beautifully illustrated and inspirational to kids and parents alike," says publisher Dog's Heart Press, "The Dog Who Couldn't Be Petted is the story of a little boy who learns how to help his scared dog feel safe. Pet adopters and owners, shelters and rescues, trainers, pet service providers--everyone benefits from the story of The Dog Who Couldn't Be Petted." The author explains that "lasting bonds are built on a foundation of tenderness and trust not only between humans, but also between humans and their companion animals. Building on this foundation helps keep pets and humans safe and happy together." The Dog Who Couldn't Be Petted is written for ages 5 to 8, though parents have also reported their 3 and 4 year olds as big fans of the book. # # # About Rain Jordan: In addition to directing Protect Them All and its programs, Ms. Jordan owns the dog behavior and training business Expert Canine LLC, which helps dogs and their humans worldwide. A certified canine behavior consultant and fearful dog expert, Jordan also developed and teaches education and training programs for professionals and laypeople for The Fearful Dogs Project. For adults interested in companion animal welfare, Jordan also authored Such Small Hands: An Anti-Aversives Primer earlier this year. About Protect Them All Protect Them All is a 501(c)3 charity guided by goals of safety and well-being. Its charge, to "help the greatest animal lovers on Earth become the greatest animal protectors on Earth, because true love equals kindness plus responsibility," Photo: End