¡Andale! 5K Run/Walk virtual event to raise scholarship funds for Latinos who aspire to go to law schoolScholarship applicants have until Sept. 13, 2020 to apply & virtual event participants can run or walk between September 19 and October 4
By: Las Vegas Latino Bar Association Every year, aspiring Latino law school students face the challenge of high fees for LSAT test preparation courses. Not enrolling in the courses creates a disadvantage for them when faced with the task of scoring well on the test and potentially being accepted to law school or to receive scholarships. The ¡Andale! 5K Run/Walk funds scholarships to cover these burdensome test preparation course costs for Latinos. Last year's inaugural race raised over $40,000 and funded 17 scholarships. "Our mission is to empower Latino attorneys in Las Vegas and to create a more diverse legal field, and that mission begins by supporting students on their path to law school," said Ellsie Lucero, Vice President of Communications for the Las Vegas Latino Bar Association. "We understand the obstacles in place for Latinos on their path to law school and that's why we created this scholarship fund." While Latinos make up 18% of the nation's population, they only make up about 5% of the country's lawyers. Latinas represented in the legal field is even lower, with fewer than 2%. Everyone benefits from a more diverse legal field. Representation will increase public trust in the legal system and bring innovative approaches to legal problems. Participants can register individually or as a team at andale5K.com. Participants can run/ walk between September 19th and October 4th and log their run times on the race's website. Fast runners competing for prizes must show proof (e.g., Apple Watch, Strava, Garmin). Every participant receives a t-shirt and race memento. Las Vegas residents can pick up their swag bag curbside on Friday, September 18th or Saturday, September 19th. Out-of-town participants will receive theirs in the mail. Certificates for the top three finalists in various age and gender divisions will be awarded, along with a special prize for the top finishers in each division. Scholarship applicants have until Sept. 13, 2020 @11:59 p.m. to apply. Eligible applicants must: