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Follow on Google News | HYPER HYVE™ Announces the launch of its patent pending beehivesHyper Hyve™ is a startup focused on providing the future of beekeeping with its insulated hives and integrated monitoring.
By: Hyper Hyve The HHPROv1 offers a insulated hive that mimics the tree hollow honey bees have evolved to survive in, while giving the beekeeper information on what is going on in the hive remotely through the Hyper Hyve app or through any web browser. This product will increase bee survivability, reduce unnecessary hive inspections, while increasing honey yields. With beekeepers experiencing colony losses of up to 40% each year and United States beekeepers only producing around 25% of the United States honey demand. Hyper Hyve's mission is to help lower the colony losses while increasing honey yields. Independent studies have shown the effectiveness of insulated hives on increasing honey production from colonies and leveling the hot and cold temperature swings within the hive. Hyper Hyve's CEO Mike James recently stated "We are exited to announce that we will be launching beta models in the coming months and offering the app to existing beekeepers to assist them in record keeping of their hives." To stay up to date on the companies release dates and study releases, prospective and existing beekeepers can sign up ( According to the Hyper Hyve™ website ( "We started designing the HyperHyve™ because the bees where telling us and the industry for years, that the way we keep bees is not how they have evolved to tolerate pests and harsh weather. So we designed a hive that best mimics how nature would help them, and added some very cool monitoring and control devices. We are currently in our prototyping phase and will be selectively releasing product and data in the coming months. End
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