Call for Submissions: Black Artists Submit Your Work for 'Love is War' ExhibitThe Positive Results Center is seeking Black Artists to submit work that reflects what violence looks like.
By: The Positive Results Corp October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and The Positive Results Center is calling Black Artists to be part of a powerful healing exhibit entitled 'Love is War'. This exhibit is designed to create awareness of dating, domestic, intimate and interpersonal violence, sexual assault and gun violence. Your art will pull back the covers, providing an up-close and personal view from the eyes of an artist..sharing the truth of those victimized and/or their families. Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten. Approximately 40% of Black women report coercive contact of a sexual nature by age 18. Half of all homeless women and children in the U.S. are fleeing from domestic violence. Domestic Violence is the 2nd CAUSE OF DEATH for Black women between the ages of-8-34. "Unfortunately, violence and abuse is the biggest threat to women, children and families. It begins in the womb and is more widespread than any pandemic," says Kandee Lewis, Executive Director of The Positive Results Corporation. "Domestic violence affects everyone and does not discriminate based on financial status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or neighborhood." All forms of art will be accepted, including illustration, watercolor, sculpture, poetry and music. The submission deadline is Friday, October 23, 2020. Those selected will receive between $300 - $750 for their submission. Submit your original pieces to ABOUT THE POSITIVE RESULTS CENTER Positive Results Center address trauma from a cultural and age perspective; End