Black Bikers Vote Rally To Roar Through Georgia Encouraging Voters To Cast Ballots In Upcoming Run-off ElectionMore Than 100 Motorcyclists Expected For First Ride In Atlanta on Saturday, December 5
By: Black Bikers Vote The ride is organized by "Black Bikers Vote," a national, non-partisan effort to raise voter participation in the Black community, especially among those less likely to vote. The ride is open to all races, independents, and club members. Among the riders is the president of Morris Brown College, Dr. Kevin James. Event organizer Rev. Mark Kelly Tyler, Ph.D. is a graduate of Clark Atlanta University and an avid motorcycle rider who carries the same enthusiasm when it comes to civic engagement. "This is a perfect opportunity for riders to bring awareness and excitement to the importance of voting. We're calling on everyone to ride, whether you are in a club or not, and while we are Black bikers with a long and rich history, we want all races to feel welcome to ride out with us." The first Black Bikers Vote ride was held in Tyler's current hometown, Philadelphia. "Black Bikers Vote" is an opportunity for motorcyclists to meet one another and ride together with one mission and goal in mind: getting Georgians excited about voting. Similar rides are planned for later this month in Savannah (12/6); Albany (12/12); Columbus, GA (12/13); Macon (12/19); and Augusta (12/20). The rides are sponsored by The Atlanta NAACP, The National Pan-Hellenic Council, Faith In Action, The New Georgia Project, Live Free, and Masks for the People and will travel through neighborhoods where voter turnout has traditionally been low. For more information and for updates go to "Black Bikers Vote" Rally & Ride Date: Saturday, December 5, 2020 Media Call Time: 12:15 p.m. Biker Arrival Time: Noon, Starting Location: The West End Mall, 850 Oak Street SW Start Time/KSU (kickstands up): 1 p.m. End
Page Updated Last on: Dec 01, 2020