State of Yucatán Gets 2 New 'Magical Towns' with Designation of Sisal and Maní by SECTUR"Yucatán adds two new municipalities under the name of Pueblos Mágicos, which will undoubtedly mean a greater economic benefit for its 42,000 inhabitants," Maní, located 62 miles southeast of Mérida, is home to a vibrant, living Maya culture. The town is noted for its architecture, exemplified by the church and convent of San Miguel Arcángel, built in the 16th century using the stones of pre-Hispanic Mayan buildings. In addition, Maní is renowned for its community of artisans dedicated to making and embroidering blouses, suits and traditional huipiles garments, as well as its gastronomy. Visitors must try poc chuc, a pork dish prepared in citrus marinade and cooked over a grill. Sisal, meanwhile, is a beautiful coastal town located within the municipality of Hunucmá, 30 minutes northwest of Mérida. It offers several ecotourism options, as it is located between two natural reserves. Sisal, as its name might suggest, was Yucatán's main maritime port during the "Green Gold" boom era of henequen production. Like Maní, Sisal boasts unbeatable local cuisine. The promotion of Maní, Sisal and other locations are part of the Sustainable Development Plan of the state of Yucatán's Ministry of Tourism, which promotes the decentralization of tourism so that the benefits derived from the activity permeate across the state. A Magical Town is a town that, through time and in the face of modernity, has preserved its value and cultural and historical heritage and manifests it in various expressions through its irreplaceable tangible and intangible heritage, in addition to meeting the requirements of permanence in the program. Some of the benefits including the generation of new jobs; the national positioning of the destination through the Pueblos Mágicos brand; commercialization of local artisan products; integration of tourism development plans and strengthening of tourism infrastructure; Version en espanol Photos. End