Pebble Beach, Sheep Ranch, GHIN Mobile App, Silvies Valley Ranch, and Rapsodo MLM announced as winners of Golf Aficionado Magazine Best of 2020 Awards

While most people spent 2020 couped up indoors waiting out the COVID-19 Pandemic, our staff carried on with the business of playing, rating, and testing golf courses, resorts, and equipment. Today, we announce the winners of all our major categories including; Best Golf Resort, Best Golf Course, Best New Golf Course, Best Mobile Golf App, and Best Golf Product.
Golf Aficionado Magazine Best of Awards 2020
Golf Aficionado Magazine Best of Awards 2020
LAKE MARY, Fla. - Dec. 9, 2020 - PRLog -- Winner for Best Golf Course 2020 – Pebble Beach Golf Links

The winner for Best Course goes to Pebble Beach Golf Links.  Not often do things in life live up to expectations.  Pebble Beach Golf Links is as storied of a golf course as they come, and our round didn't disappoint.  All the improvements made leading up to hosting the 2019 US Open Championship pushed Pebble Beach Golf Links past the competition and into the winner's circle!

Winner for Best Golf App 2020 – GHIN Mobile App

The app that caught the attention of Golf Aficionado this year is one every golfer should have.  The GHIN Mobile app is the official app of the Golf Handicap Information Network.  With the new handicap system, GHIN decided to launch a completely new app full of features and capabilities to balance the scale among golfers worldwide!  Still, work to be done, but we appreciate the effort to launch the new GHIN mobile app and look forward to future updates.

Best New Golf Course 2020 – Sheep Ranch at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

Opened June 1st in the middle of the COVD-19 pandemic, nothing could stop the Sheep Ranch from winning Best New Course, not even 2020.  Coore and Crenshaw returned to Bandon Dunes to build an epic links course along the Oregon Pacific Coast.  From myth and legend, Coore and Crenshaw created a masterpiece that must be experienced!

Best Golf Product 2020 – Rapsodo MLM

The staff at Golf Aficionado spends as much time as possible playing golf, big surprise!  We have a saying, look good, and play well.  The good looking part is always easier than playing well.  This year we had the helping hand of a Rapsodo MLM (Mobile Launch Monitor).  Winner of the year's product of the year, the Rapsodo MLM is hands down the best MLM on the market under $500.

Best Golf Resort 2020 - Silvies Valley Ranch

And the winner is... Silvies Valley Ranch!  In a year where we went to some of the best golf courses and resorts on the planet like Pebble Beach, Bandon Dunes, Streamsong, and several others, nobody could match what Silvies has to offer.  A working goat and cattle ranch with an 18-hole reversible championship golf course and so much more.  In a year where you just wanted to forget about everything, the only place we found that allowed us to do just that was Silvies.

Media Contact
Rob Spellman


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