Young Adult with Autism Publishes 3rd Children's Picture BookChase Taylor has autism and loves to education children with his The Letter Critters book series. Welcome to the Talent Show in Letter Critter Town!
By: ACT Jams Productions Pursuing Dreams through ABCs on the Autism Spectrum By Chase Taylor Today, The Letter Critters are putting on a Talent Show and You Are Invited! Travel to Letter Critters Town to enjoy the different talents of the Letter Critters from A-Z. A fun way to learn phonics! Watch Letter Critter T perform a tremendous tap dance. Oh yeah, the Vowelettes are singing their latest song! Guess which Letter Critter's talent is cooking and Munching on the food? You guessed it, Letter Critter M! Oh, No!, there is one Letter Critter who does not want the Letter Critter Talent Show to go on, which Letter Critter could it be? The Letter Critters Talent Show is the third book In the Letter Critters Book Series, written and illustrated by Chase Taylor, who is on the autism spectrum. The author turned his fascination of letters and educational fun cartoons into a series of children's books that help children identify letters and words and learn challenging words. The Letter Critters introduces the cute Letter Critters' personalities from A-Z. The second book, The Letter Critters Biographies is a fun tongue-twisting way to learn more about the Letter Critters personalities and where they live. The Letter Critter B loves big, bright, blue balloons. It features a simple glossary to help with challenging words and fun facts. The Letter Critters series is a creative way to present the alphabet and phonics with adorable, cute woodland creatures like bears, foxes and squirrels that represent the letters of the alphabet. Your child will giggle and laugh while learning the alphabet and brand new words! Chase's dream is for his Letter Critters to become an educational animated series. Author/illustrator Chase Taylor is on the autism spectrum, very quiet and an introvert. One of his challenges is being social and conversational. The Letter Critters gives him a voice to share his love of letters and cute characters This young sensational author and illustrator published his first book when he was 17 years old. Chase's dream is for his characters to become an animated series for children to enjoy! For more information: End