Call For Entries and Submissions - International Film Festival Now Accepting Movies & Scripts For Competition

South Florida International Film Festival is Calling for Filmmakers and Writers to Compete for Awards in their World Famous Monthly Film Festival for One Minute Short Films
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March 2021 - Call For Entries - Films & Scripts
March 2021 - Call For Entries - Films & Scripts
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. - March 3, 2021 - PRLog -- The South Florida International Film Festival (SFIFF) is the home of the World Famous Monthly Film Festival for One Minute Short Films. SFIFF is calling on all filmmakers and writers to compete in their monthly events.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19, the South Florida International Film Festival is currently operating only as an Online Festival and Online Awards Event.

"To be on the safe side of things, we will continue to hold our competitions and awards shows virtually," explained Kevin Douglas Wright the founder of the festival.

Submissions to this monthly short film challenge opened in March 2021 and the deadline for this month's festival and competition is Monday, March 22, 2021 at 11:59pm.

Wright added, "Yes, the deadline in March 22. The online awards show will run on March 26, 27, and 28. That's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday."

The South Florida International Film Festival is focused on and looking for one minute short films in their competition. Screenplays and film scripts can also be submitted to compete.

"Short films must be 60 seconds or less. That's one minute or less to tell a great story. Screenplays and film scripts can only be three pages or less. Are you good? Really? How good? Let's find out!!" Wright challenged.

"Almost anyone can make a one minute short film or write a three page script, but obviously the key is creating something that can win an award and beat the competition. Because of the pandemic and social distancing, it could be risky for some people to quickly return to full scale production of films with a running time of 30, 40, 60, or 90 minutes."

SFIFF allows everyone to compete, because the competition is open to anyone in the United States and international people from around the world.

Wright said, "Our film festival is open to professional directors and producers, college students, film school students, high school students, and anyone who is trying to break into the entertainment industry and get noticed."

"Sometimes we might find ourselves waiting for that next big project or our first big project. The best thing we can do while we are 'waiting' is to continue sharpening our skills and abilities. Submitting a one minute film or three page script can keep you at the top of your game and keep your name in the public eye."

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