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Follow on Google News | Atheists Helping the Homeless • DC, Distribution Event, Aug 16, 2021Atheists in Washington DC area help people experiencing homelessness
By: Atheists Helping the Homeless Imagine you live on the street, maybe you have a tent or maybe not. Maybe you live out of your car. You've got very little space and you carry many of your belongings with you so they don't get stolen or lost. AHH DC provides small items (mostly toiletries) for people who are homeless: socks, disposable safety razors, combs, and soap, etc. The items might last a day or or a week (disposable razor) or much longer (toothbrush) AHH, DC is inspired by AAH groups in other cities such as Austin, Houston, Phoenix, Denver, and even Kalamazoo. AHH DC learns from their clients. People experiencing homelessness tell stories about life on the streets, about alienation, about poverty, about addiction, about successes, and friendships. They have told the AHH DC that the best donations are socks. Socks are king followed by mini-flashlights. AHH DC tries to hold distribution events about once a month. They set up a table for an hour or two on the sidewalk in front of Progress Place in Silver Spring to distribute items to people experiencing homelessness. AHH DC distributes socks; nail clippers, towelettes, mini-flashlights, disposable razors with one-use shaving cream, toothbrushes with toothpaste, soap, and more. As a relatively new group, the immediate goal of AHH, DC is to achieve public awareness. Their website is End
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