Atheists Helping the Homeless, DC Announces Next Distribution Event, Silver Spring, MarylandThey are the Atheists Helping the Homeless, DC (AHHDC). They work in the greater Washington DC area. They distribute items to people who are homeless. Their goal, as atheists, is to help their community—to give back. The distribution event will be Friday, September 3, 9:30 a.m.., on the sidewalk in front of Progress Place, 8106 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910. AHHDC operates in Washington DC and nearby areas.
The goal of AHHDC is to provide small items (travel size) needed daily (soap, nail clippers, towelettes, socks, combs, small shampoo, toothbrush and small paste, etc.) to people who are homeless and who may who travel primarily by foot. They distribute to those who cannot carry regular-sized items everywhere they go. The items are for people living on the street, out of a tent or car, or out of a shelter. AHHDC is a small group of volunteers that operates on donations. They set up a table for 3-4 hours on a sidewalk where homeless people pass by to distribute items. The last event (August 2021) in Silver Spring, MD was able to help over 75 clients. As a relatively new group, an immediate goal of AHH, DC is to achieve public awareness. Their website is You may write to them at atheistshelping@ Twitter: @atheistsHH Facebook: Media Contact Joseph Shaw atheistshelping@ Photos: End
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