![]() New report likens America to China's Tiananmen Square for an untold number of Americans and non-citizen residents enduring U.S. legal system abuse"An Unseen Forest", a report released today by America United International, equates weaponization of America's legal system with having your life "riddled with injustice by rogue U.S. government agents" and argues convincingly that it not only happens to many people, but is also a crime against humanity for which there is no effective redress.
An Unseen Forest, a report released today by America United International (AUI), strongly challenges if not convincingly dispels any notion that relatively few Americans and non-citizen U.S. residents endure persecution imposed upon them through unabated abuse of the country's legal system with the complicity of presiding judges. The report encourages readers to focus on ". . . how lengthy, comprehensive, numerous, and widespread collective efforts must be to overcome (such an ordeal) in order for the U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRCouncil) The International Criminal Court (ICC) defines persecution as "the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity" Both Parker-Brown and Crenshaw-Logal attest to weaponizations of America's legal system being rampant. Quite imaginable is that whistleblowers, or as many of them prefer to be called, Truth Tellers, are common targets of such human rights violations. Britton Mosley, Sr. is author of two autobiographical books on the subject. They chronicle a corroborated coverup of attempts by former high-ranking Mississippi state prison officials to frame him for illegal drug possession and have him murdered for whistleblowing as one of their correctional officers and later as a Mississippi state prison administrator himself. "What I endured paralleled such things as alleged fabrications of evidence and illegal entrapment schemes as well as court corruption that aligned with the skyrocketing state imprisonments in Mississippi I witnessed promptly after the federal Crime Bill of 1994 passed", says Mosley. AUI's referenced report interjects: "(T)he contention that U.S. state and federal judges (including U.S. Supreme Court justices) regularly facilitate persecution exacted through orchestrated, persistent abuses of America's legal system should at some point evoke a direct, unequivocal response from the nation's Chief Executive Officer, his or her State Department, and/or Congress." The report adds: "Dignifying the allegation with a public response of that caliber is particularly appropriate when variations of it have permeated cyberspace for decades and those culminating with this report have impressive traction before revered global oversight bodies." They include the ICC which AUI asked last October to investigate U.S. President Joseph R. Biden Jr., contending his unresponsiveness to the campaign is as much a "Crime against humanity" as the U.S. legal system corruption it seeks to get redressed. As AUI's Chief of Operations, Dr. Crenshaw-Logal explains, "if America's judiciary is not held to account for failing to ensure everyone within our country's shores are beneficiaries of a fair and impartial albeit understandably imperfect administration of justice, then America — 'land of the free' — is a variation of Tiananmen Square for those of us whose lives are deliberately riddled with injustice by rogue U.S. government agents, i.e., it is the site of our substantial if not complete, brutal undoing." Parker-Brown echoed lines from AUI's featured report: "It is only a bit melodramatic to proclaim that metaphorical and literal blood are on the hands of anyone empowered but unwilling to meaningfully assist (us) in overcoming (entrenched U.S. judicial corruption) on the dubious ground that (our) ranks appear small." AUI is asking that multiple U.N. Special Rapporteurs intervene in addition to the ICC, and inquiring on the status of input from the U.S. State Department that the Biden Administration promised last Fall. The campaign has no record of receiving the State Department reply to date. Contact Dr. Zena Crenshaw-Logal AUI Chief of Operations ***@launitedi.org Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End