The Only Place To Go For CAA Approved Dangerous Goods Online Training CoursesTo prevent damage to people or the environment, it is imperative that anyone involved in the handling or transport of dangerous goods by air receives the proper training.
By: Dangerous Goods Online Training The transportation of some goods on an aircraft is too dangerous. Others require clearance from the aviation authorities of the countries involved. The only dangerous goods by air online training courses approved by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) are those run by Dangerous Goods Online Training. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations require all employees involved in packaging, storing, loading, transporting or receiving dangerous goods by air to obtain IATA certification, along with periodic dangerous goods by air training every two years, Dangerous Goods Online Training provide the necessary training in the transport of dangerous goods by air, required to comply with the standards of air transport regulations. The trainers at Dangerous Goods Online Training each have extensive experience and are specialists in their fields, and their online dangerous goods training courses provide the most comprehensive coverage of the current legislation you will need to pass the dangerous goods exam. Online Dangerous Goods By Air courses have the advantage of facilitating continuous assessment. Short tests interspersed with multimedia content and learning materials will enhance engagement levels and the ability to retain information. Taking their training courses online gives the participant the flexibility to study at a pace that suits them best, and their remote invigilation service allows them to take their exam anywhere they have access to Wi-Fi negating the need to travel. It is possible that individual and corporate efforts to conserve the environment can be enhanced by the promotion and engagement of this type of dangerous goods online learning. Dangerous Goods Online Training take a personalised approach to dangerous goods compliance which covers the complete supply chain, including:
As dangerous goods compliance specialists, their number one goal is to make the dangerous goods process simple, effective, and efficient. Whether you are aircrew, passenger or ground handlers, airport security, shipper or freight forwarder - dangerous goods training applies to you, and now you can learn at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home with Dangerous Goods Online Training. Media Contact Karen Hathaway 01344 238004 Photos: End