June 7, 2022 -
PRLog -- If you check the Craigslist Services section, in the Household and Skilled Trade sections, you'll find a host of competition fighting for recognition in one or another area of expertise. But only one company stands apart by offering all the services most important to every property owner. Categories like Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Carpet & Floor Cleaning, Interior & Exterior Painting and Staining, 260 Degree Deep Steam Cleaning, Deck Restoration, Home Cleanups, Handyman Services, Sanitizing, and Maid Service. Grime Busters Nassau is literally the one stop location for all these offerings including their contracting arm: The Complete Services Division. Which brings us to the other half of their tagline: We also restore, rebuild, repair, rejuvenate, refurbish, and renovate anything and everything as we have for big commercial venues everywhere on Long Island. It sounds like they're the Jack of all Trades, but in this case, Master of all. And one visit to and their website (shown below) with a Facebook icon on every page, and you'll discover what they say is not just brag, it's built on solid experience since 1993, as evidenced by all their on site photo galleries and testimonials. As Chris Sullivan, foreman at Grime Busters Nassau says, "Give us a call at 516-501-1255 and we'll wow you with all our Big Bonuses". What? Bonuses too? So who are you gonna call?