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Follow on Google News | How To Fight Mold Growth In Your BuildingBy: CAS Dataloggers You Need to Be Proactive Against Mold Growth: Mold thrives in high-humidity areas including basements, showers, greenhouses, summer homes, areas under construction, etc. After a few days of being saturated with water, an area often shows visible fungal colonies. Mold is notoriously difficult to eradicate from an area once it has taken hold. In Businesses: Regardless of size, businesses are liable for health risks posed to their employees, and that includes those caused by mold growth. Health issues (including asthma complications and fever) can be lessened or prevented beforehand by immediately finding and removing mold colonies. In Residences: Inside houses and apartments, mold can cause respiratory health issues in children, so homeowners and landlords alike can benefit from using temperature and humidity data loggers. Their sensors can be instrumental in finding the source of water or humidity ingress. You should also add ventilation to high-temperature areas such as showers and basements. Adjusting AC, climate control, and dehumidifiers according to the season can help. Help Prevent Mold Using Environmental Data Loggers: While the CDC doesn't recommend that businesses and organizations routinely take samples for mold (owing to the expense and time), the Internet of Things offers a more convenient way to monitor the environment for conditions leading to mold growth. Many facilities now use an environmental monitoring system as an automated way to accomplish this. A common setup involves a wireless base station or gateway mounted on a wall, connected to one or more wireless temperature/ Create a Response Plan: Meanwhile check to see if your facility manager or caretaker has an existing response plan concerning mold—if not, it's time to create one yourself. If you need details on how to protect specific materials from water damage, the U.S.EPA has published guidelines online. For a comprehensive start, see Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings (U.S. EPA, 2008). Conclusion: You can stay on top of developing conditions by taking early precautions. In many buildings, temperature and humidity data loggers are ideal for identifying and alarming possible causes of mold, leaks, and other environmental damage. To learn more about Temperature & Humidity Data Loggers, or to find the ideal solution for your application- End
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