![]() San Diego County Fire Protection District Implements RadioMobile's Integrated Fire Station AlertingNew system links San Diego County fire stations to CAL FIRE Emergency Command Center for faster response and improved coordination
By: RadioMobile, Inc. "As fire season lengthens and intensifies, it is crucial that each incident gets the best possible response from our firefighters in the timeliest manner possible," said Tony Mecham, San Diego County Fire Chief. "RadioMobile's IQ FSAS is saving us time and money by leveraging technology already in place at CAL FIRE to improve alert and response times while enhancing coordination between county and CAL FIRE resources. These first stations will be joined by 5-7 stations each year until all have been converted." San Diego County Fire's mission is to coordinate, regionalize, and improve fire protection and emergency response services provided to the 1.5 million acres that comprise the unincorporated areas of San Diego County. Working in conjunction with CAL FIRE as one unified response unit, San Diego County Fire delivers around‐the‐ The San Diego County Fire solution includes the IQ FSA Server located in the County's IT environment. This server is linked to the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system at the San Diego Interagency Command Center as well as the first 3 county fire stations operating the IQ FSAS. The server utilizes an IP interface to the CAD system and relays dispatch messages and status updates between the CAD and the fire stations. Each station is equipped with a Command Desk Terminal (CDT) that can display apparatus status, incident details, and location information on a map. When the CDT receives the incident alert, it executes step-by-step instructions as configured for the type of alert and each station's unique requirements. In addition to an automated voice announcement of the alert, these instructions are relayed to the Station Control Unit (SCU) that operates the station's devices such as crew alert lights, speakers, turnout timers, bay doors, and others. This all happens within seconds of the actual dispatch ensuring that the right people are alerted and arrive at the scene as quickly as possible. "By leveraging CAL FIRE's statewide integrated AVL/MDC network from RadioMobile, San Diego County Fire and CAL FIRE resources are able to deploy more quickly and share two-way location data and status messaging," said Chief Mecham. "We are happy to have San Diego County Fire join our family of fire & EMS users," says Jim Moore, CEO at RadioMobile. "With IQ FSAS, they now have a modern FSA system that can meet their needs both now and well into the future and become a fully integrated and blended system along with the existing mobile AVL network." RadioMobile's IQ Fire Station Alerting System helps fire and EMS agencies meet critical response requirements by shaving valuable seconds off response times while making certain that everyone responding to a dispatch knows the exact details of the incident regardless of their location. IQ FSAS seamlessly integrates with RadioMobile's in-vehicle mobile data computers (MDCs), so supervisors and responders always know the exact location and status of emergency apparatus and personnel. For more information on RadioMobile's IQ FSAS, visit https://radiomobile.com/ Contact Ron Lyons Director of Sales ***@radiomobile.com 858-530-1060 Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End