Spiritual self-help author publishes new book about positive aspects of waitingBy: Lee Cuesta In his new book, Cuesta draws upon more than 40 years of experience to unpack the deepest, fullest meaning of waiting on and for God, along with why and how. Lively and upbeat guidance enables the reader to implement these principles, demonstrating that waiting is a positive spiritual practice delivering success while reducing stress. One reviewer stated: "Pulling from a variety of religious traditions, Successful Spiritual Waiting is at the same time an exhaustive look at what it means to successfully wait on God, and also extremely approachable and practical. The depths contained in this book are easily plumbed through how well it flows from one Maxim to the next. Most people have had the experience of waiting on God; this book does a great job of showing how that can be a joy rather than a chore." The topic of "waiting for God" is usually written about with a negative connotation. Other writers bemoan, "Why does God make me wait so long?" Successful Spiritual Waiting: the 7 Maxims departs diametrically from that point of view. In fact, the book's subtitle is "Transformative guidelines that reveal the positive perspective." The book is rich with Cuesta's autobiographical adventures and lessons as he implemented waiting on God, and for God, in his own life. An ordained minister, he uses the Bible as his basis, exploring the lives of preeminent spiritual waiters, such as David, Abraham and Noah. But the truths are universal, and Cuesta also quotes from the Tao Te Ching and the Bhagavad Gita. So followers of all faiths and spiritual traditions likewise will benefit from Cuesta's insights. He relates the experiences of more recent historical waiters, as well, such as William Carey and Nelson Mandela. These identifiers can be entered in the search bar–– ISBN 9798845851901 (hardcover) ISBN 9798433571730 (paperback) In addition, Cuesta's Author Page, located here, contains a live link to both editions. Lee Cuesta is an author and professional journalist. Over 40 years ago, he published his first article about waiting for God in the magazine, Christian Life. He also has taught these principles in both English and Spanish. He gained extensive cross-cultural experience while working with a nonprofit organization. An internationally recognized public speaker and writer, he's been published in periodicals such as World Pulse, Indian Life, Northwest, InSite, Eternity, Prisma, El Faro and Apuntes Pastorales. More about him may be found at either of these websites: https://www.leecuesta.com/ Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End