Dentist Victims Frustrated by Prolonged InvestigationsFormer Council Member Blames Lack of Dental Background for 5-7 Year Delays
By: Empire Concepts "Patients and dentists have stated their cases often drag 5 to 9 years before getting to a hearing. A dentist found guilty is often ordered to pay the dental authority ten to a hundred times the cost of the treatment in question. If the dentist is truly dangerous or incompetent at a specific procedure the prolonged process allows many other patients to be put in harm's way. If investigators had dental training they would be able to more rapidly identify the problem and triage. The delays in getting to a resolution are unacceptable. Patients' rights to a refund under the Alberta Health Professions Act are often ignored by the system," says Zuk. Recently the Alberta Dental authority was separated from the association by government mandate out of concern for conflicts of interest. Dr. Zuk discovered the newly separated organizations chose to employ the same law firm inspiring him to report a potential conflict of interest to the Health Minister and the opposition leader. The dentist-author who recently published a new book titled 'The $60,000 Dentist Headache Cure' available on ( Some of the information that relates to this subject includes: * What a dental authority may say to a dental victim that confuses the actual rights under the Alberta Health Professions Act. * A misunderstanding by many dental authorities about the trustworthiness of dentist seminar content. * Questionable business relationships between dental organizations and seminar promoters. * Certain dental board rules that make it difficult for a patient to appeal a decision. * The shockingly low percentage of fines helping dentist victims. * What dental seminars are legal experts pointing to as making dentists more risky? For more information on this serious dental health subject contact Dr. Michael Y Zuk directly. ------- Bio Dr. Michael Y Zuk is a retired dentist who authored the book Confessions of a Former Cosmetic Dentist. He was featured on CBC Marketplace's episode Money Where Your Mouth Is. Dr. Zuk provides links to various books and dental class action lawsuits on the website Contact Dr. Michael Y Zuk *** Photos: End