Remaining Stable Minded through Life's Challenges, Spiritual Discourse in the California Bay AreaSurrounded by Intimidating challenges, one looks within and discovers the unfailing anchor - the abode of joy, fearlessness and universality.
The programs will enable participants to understand the spiritual truth at a deeper personal level. Participants will find how spiritual wisdom enriches and empowers their inner personality in every walk of life, enabling each to assimilate all impacts from the world and thereby get elevated and expanded every time. This will be an excellent opportunity for householders, executives, young professionals, managers, students, and entrepreneurs to learn about applying spiritual practices to empower and enrich one's personal and professional lives. Swamiji's rational and experiential exposition transcends the realms of religion. Discussions and interactions with Swamiji will enlighten us on how to find an inner anchor and remain poised and harmonious in any situation. We realize the subtle truths and powers of our minds and intelligence. Drawing insights from the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, Swamiji engages us in a delightful journey toward freedom. We heartily invite all to join this year's "Enlightened Living" events to draw the much-needed inspiration, enrichment, and a clear understanding to walk the path to a happier life. Admission is FREE, and all are welcome. Visit - Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha was deeply spiritual from a very young age. At 24, he was initiated into the pursuit of Brahmavidyā by Baba Gangadhara Paramahamsa of Dakshinkhanda, West Bengal. A Ph.D. in Physics, he renounced his professional life as a faculty/scientist at IIT-Kharagpur in 1987. He dedicated himself wholesomely to the service of Poojya Swami Bhoomananda Tirthaji in all aspects of his mission: knowledge dissemination, value education, and socio-religious reform. Swamiji's book on Poojya Swamiji, "A Great Association," End