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Follow on Google News | 78 Websites Hit With Malware Infection via Malicious Injection (Net Diatom)Along with the new service of Cloudflare and malware detection software, Net Diatom generated a new security policy which includes the requirement to operate under a VPN and specific guidelines during a security event.
By: Net Diatom The malware / ransomware failed to gain access to any personal client files or information and no client data was breached in the incident. Although personal files were not in the attack, the malicious activity was able to disrupt business flow and operations on many client websites for up to 7 days, as reported by the malware response. As a prevention method Chief Executive Jeremy D Higgs employed the help of San Francisco based company Cloudflare (A Google Cloud Platform Technology Partner). Cloudflare allows those under a current known attack to activate a special defense mode and configuration to prevent further attack. Net Diatom is a web development company specializing in website development for small to mid size commercial businesses. The company currently hosts over 300 live web sites and has millions of visitors per year. Hackers innovate and continuously move to exploit the point of least resistance. The web browser has increasingly come under attack and requires organizations to extend their approach out to the web browser to mitigate risks. Along with the new service of Cloudflare and malware detection software, Net Diatom generated a new security policy which includes the requirement to operate under a VPN and specific guidelines during a security event. The 2019 established tech company would like it's client base to rest assured that the security has been taken seriously and is the upmost priority. "This has been the largest attack the company has defended to date, and we recovered 100% of the affected client projects." Told Chief Executive Jeremy D Higgs in an interview on the event. End