More than sufficient power for recharging all tool batteries in the gardener's vehicleGreen gardeners go electric. Fully recharged every day with an all-in-one LPS battery system installed in the vehicle.
By: Clayton Power Using electric equipment on a daily basis is highly beneficial Previously, we bought a lot of Aspen petrol. Now we have electric hedge trimmer, lawn mower, brush cutters, blower, and leaf collector. It depends on the tasks how many batteries we use during a day. It is between 2 and 8 batteries. 4Hoeje Landscape Gardeners has not been out of power since they installed the LPS in the vehicle. Before then they used an inverter and it was only possible to recharge while driving. This was often a problem. Working environment is important 4Hoeje Landscape Gardeners has replaced the fuel driven equipment with cordless electric equipment because it is less stressful for the employees. The electric equipment has less vibrations, and there are no exhaust fumes. Solar panels on the roof and rapid charging while driving There are 2 solar panels on the roof of the vehicle. When the sun is shining it recharges the LPS. As the LPS has flexible charging, the LPS can be recharged from the vehicle, if the sun is not shining sufficiently. The vehicle's alternator is charging the LPS while driving. The powerful lithium battery in the LPS can store the power so there is sufficient capacity to recharge the electric equipment all day, also when the vehicle is parked. Flexible charging makes it possible to use the capacity of the LPS several times per day. In the menu of the LPS it is possible to see how much the solar panels have contributed to the charging. Top 3 benefits for the gardener:
Read full article about the all-in-one LPS battery system here: Clayton Power Contact Clayton Power *** +45 469 857 60 Photos: End
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